Every home upkeep task is important, but promptly addressing roofing problems should always be at the top of your priority list. Why? It’s because even the smallest leak could pose a health hazard for your family, not to mention the structural damage it can potentially bring to your foundation. If your roof is in dire…
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Owning a home is the American dream, but that dream isn’t always problem-free. Roofing problems are particularly a cause of concern because smaller complications aren’t usually detected until they have become bigger and more urgent. …
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A “storm chaser” is a term to describe roofers who try to pull a fast one on inexperienced homeowners or prey on homeowners in need of urgent repairs. They come into your area after a severe weather event and try to offer their “services”. These dubious individuals will do whatever it takes to make a…
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For most people, they would consider a roof replacement project to be a challenging task, especially if it’s their first time doing it. Thankfully, this challenge is a blessing in disguise since this is a chance to breathe new life into your roofing system. This is also a chance to pick new colors for your…
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With the arrival of spring, it’s only natural that you have your roof checked for any sign of damage sustained from the previous winter months. The warm weather makes it ideal for seasonal maintenance and cleaning, but it’s still crucial that you pay attention to your roof’s condition and ensure its longevity. Here’s what you should…
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Roofing materials have varying degrees of durability, water resistance and weatherproofing, but all of them need flashing. Flashing should be present wherever your roof is prone to leaking. In other words, roofing contractors place flashing on the most vulnerable areas of your roofing system, such as valleys and penetrations.…
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