Your roof is your home’s primary defense against the elements. If you fail to properly maintain your roof, there is a great chance you will face a series of problems, such as leaks and mold, which cost a lot of money to fix in the future. To prevent this hassle, make sure you avoid these…
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Patching up a roof leak on your own can save you a little bit of money upfront. But there is a flip side to it – you risk letting the underlying cause of the issue fester and spread over time. Here, top-rated roofers share the reasons why you should call a professional instead of opting…
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Strong winds can be destructive to your roof because they can cause bends and pry off shingles, requiring major roof repair. Some asphalt roofs, however, are able to withstand such winds due to several factors. Continue reading to learn how these factors affect your roof’s resistance to wind damage. …
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Preventative maintenance is the most affordable and effective way to delay roof replacement and extend your existing roof’s lifespan. Cleaning your roof, improving its insulation and managing its ventilation are the best ways to achieve its maximum longevity. …
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Your roof is a critical component of your home as it provides protection against outdoor elements and different weather conditions. However, it offers more than just enhancing your home’s curb appeal or shielding you from nature. …
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Commercial roofs are exposed to different weather conditions throughout the year. Fortunately, with proper maintenance, you can extend your roof’s lifespan and maintain excellent roof performance. …
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